Wednesday 8 July 2009

25 Random Things...About Me

1. I have 2 tattoos on my back - both of which I love, both of which my mother despises.

2. English is my first and only proper language, unless you include pissed Spanish.

3. I used to have arachnophobia but got cured by hypnotherapy at London Zoo's Friendly Spider Programme and held a tarantula at the end of the session. Unfortunately it worked too well and I rescued a deadly Redback in Australia's Outback, scaring my tour guide out of his wits.

4. My dream cars are a Lotus Elan (for running around) and an Aston Martin DB9 (to be run around in).

5. My wonderlust hero has always and will always be Lawrence Dallaglio - woof woof.

6. I once made Mr H strip off and do a naked streak along Colliers Wood High Street, to prove his love to me. Unfortunately he got recognised by a neighbour.

7. I once received a kiss from Morten Haarket (aha) when I was 12.

8. I will never forgive myself for practising wax stripping on my sister's legs (she was 7).

9. I'm also sorry for cutting my cousin's ponytail off when we were 9.

10. I secretly want to start ballet all over again now that M goes to her weekly lessons.

11. Contrary to popular belief, I have never planned my wedding. I have a few vague ideas in my head but nothing concrete....honestly.

12. I could eat salmon sashimi every day for the rest of my life.

13. I would like to have one more child, one day, but definitely not now (and only on the proviso that they guarantee me the drugs).

14. I eat chocolate every day (dark, min 70%).

15. I used to be a cox for DMU's mens' IV - in the good old days when I could fit my bottom into a boat.

16. I am a brand junkie.

17. If I had another chance at A-levels and uni, I would like to have studied Art.

18. Having said that, university was a ball and I wouldn't change anything about it, except perhaps my final results.

19. I wish my little bro didn't live so far away and that he came home more often (and CALLED me).

20. One day, I will have a walk-in wardrobe and a shoe closet.

21. I come from a family of very stubborn women so it's in my genes.

22. I cannot sit on sand or grass without something in-between them and my body.

23. My favourite smells are my new Chloe perfume and M's skin.

24. My great, great, great Grandfather was third in rank to the Emperor's throne so I am a teeny weeny bit blue-blooded. I kid you not.

25. I am full of confidence, but very empty of self-esteem (apparently)


  1. Absolutely brilliant! Love it!


    Can, please follow this's JUST for you! xxx
